

Allies 4 Inclusion Diversity, Equity, Accessibility (IDEA) Committee 


The IDEA Advisory Working Committee. This group advises on procedures, practices and regulations. For the first year (2023/2024), the primary focus of the work will be on SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity). The focus may shift to other topics such as Anti-Racism or Truth & Reconciliation, in the following years.


Committee Goals
  • Increase awareness
  • Increase confidence
  • Increase knowledge of available resources
  • Increase knowledge of training opportunities
  • Help answer questions from parents/community
  • Foster an understanding of and commitment to allyship

Accessibility Committee


The Chilliwack School District formed an Accessibility Advisory Committee to advise the organization in its development of an accessibility plan. The plan includes identifying, preventing, and removing the barriers to accessibility that people with disabilities face within the school district, following the directives of the Accessible British Columbia Act. The committee follows the principle of “nothing about us without us.”

The SD33 Accessibility Plan is live at link). This is a green document, which means it invites feedback and is improved on continuously. To provide feedback, please use the Feedback on Plan tool below or email link).

Advisory Committee for Inclusive Education (ACIE)


The Advisory Committee for Inclusive Education's mandate as a working committee is to support inclusive education by identifying current issues and engaging in dialogue and collaborative problem-solving:

  • Build upon the work that is currently underway within the district and across the province

  • Ensure alignment and collaboration across key policy/program areas within the Ministry of Education and Childcare

  • Alignment of work being done by key external sectors or community partners

  • Identifying strategies to share knowledge or guidance across the district

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